Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fobbie's Coming to a Michael's Craft Store Near You

Good news! Starting next March you'll be able to purchase Happy Birthday Fobbies at 1010 Michael's Craft Stores throughout the U.S. and Canada. I'll keep you posted as more information becomes available.

Snowman Fobbies

These snowman Fobbies were sent to us from Patti Skoviak of Fort Collins, Colorado. She used some snowman stickers to decorate a do-it-yourself Fobbie. Thanks Patti!

Holiday Fobbie Idea

I saw these holiday stickers and thought they would make great decor for a Fobbie. I used Adirondack alcohol inks to create the marbled effect. On one I used a sponge and some metallic stamp pad ink to give it some sparkle, and then put the sticker on. I think they will make for some elegant wrapping.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Send Us Your Fobbie Joke

While I was attending the National Stationary Show my friends back home decided to entertain me through text messaging.
They had me in stitches coming up with Fobbie jokes. Other friends said I should post them, and encourage others to submit their own. Here's what they came up with: What did one Fobbie say to the other Fobbie at the bar? Let's tie one on! What's the Fobbie's favorite movie? A ribbon runs through it!

So the challenge is on! Send us your Fobbie joke.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ways to Use the Fobbie® as Wedding Decor

When I was at the National Stationary Show a great website called came to visit. Get Married is on Lifetime television, Monday through Friday. We discussed ways you could use the Fobbie® to decorate your wedding. I had so many ideas that I had to create a bunch of alternative uses. I came up with using them as napkin wraps, table numbers, chair and favor wraps, centerpieces and of course gift wrapping. Check out the Fobbie® inspiration page for more pictures.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Fobbie Wins Best New Product Award

When I decided to have a booth at the National Stationary Show, I had no idea what an amazing time I would have. I entered the Fobbie® into the Best New Product competition in the Party category and won! We were located way in the back of the show and I worried we wouldn't get much traffic. Visitors seeing us in the Winner's Circle helped get people to the booth to see the Fobbie® in action. I met so many great shop owners, press people, exhibitors and supply folks. Everyone was enthusiastic and helpful, which made our time there great fun. So if anyone who came by the booth reads this, thank you for your support and good wishes!